Keep the EU 60GB PS3!

  • av: whoelse
  • mottagare: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe
In a recent announcement, SCEE announced a new PS3 with a 40GB hard drive and lacking PS2 backwards compatibility. They also stated the 60GB which does have backwards compatibility for alot of PS2 games will be discontinued in Europe leaving only the basic package without backwards compatibility left. Consumers deserve the choice to either have a basic package or a high end package. Backwards compatibility for PS2 games is important to alot of people and so is the extra 2 USB sockets and media card slots.
We the undersigned enclose a petition showing our support to keep the 60GB PS3 available to consumers in Europe.

In a recent announcement, SCEE announced a new PS3 with a 40GB hard drive and lacking PS2 backwards compatibility. They also stated the 60GB which does have backwards compatibility for alot of PS2 games will be discontinued. Consumers deserve the choice to either have a basic package or a high end package. Backwards compatibility for PS2 games is important to alot of people and so is the extra 2 USB sockets and media card slots.

Please reconsider your decision and understand that these signatures are from only a small portion of the gaming community.

Thank you for your time to read this letter.
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