Establish Federal Legislation to End the Use of Gassing Chambers as a Means of Euthanasia

Every day across the United States, thousands of unwanted dogs and cats are put to death by use of gassing chambers, an unnecessarily cruel and horrible manner of death.

Gassing chambers are atrocious and cause great amounts of stress and prolonged agony to the animals.They are sometimes ineffective in their task, necessitating its repeated use on the animals who simply did not die.

We hope to make residents of states who still employ this barbaric form of death aware of the fact and hope to enlist the help of many of our citizens who want this horrible form of death to be abolished to let their legislators know our feelings.
Every day in the United States, many thousands of unwanted dogs and cats are killed in gassing chambers.
This horrific manner of death is unnecessarily barbaric, causing great stress, prolonged agony, and is often not even effective in its purpose, requiring repeated uses or finally another form of euthanasia.
We the signers of this petition implore you to help us end this barbaric killing by proposing Federal legislation abolishing the use of gassing chambers.
We sincerely thank you in advance for your assistance in ending this unnecessary suffering on the part of dogs and cats in our country.
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