Target: Speaker Nancy Pelosi, United States House of Representatives
Copy to: Majority Leader Harry Reid, United States Senate / Brian Bond, LGBT Liason to President Barack Obama
"As Coretta Scott King said to me as she tried to imagine what position the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would take on "don't ask, don't tell": "What's the yardstick by which we should decide that gay rights are less important than other human rights we care about?"
In an interview with Towleroad, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand "who has made repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell one of her legislative priorities" said that she would favor amending the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act to include sexual orientation. The historic legislation sought to erase all government-backed discrimination on the basis of race or gender.
Senator Gillibrand said in her interview:
For more information, please go to or http://www.equalityactions.orgI would [be supportive of that]. I truly believe that this gay rights agenda is the civil rights march of our generation. I think marriage equality, I think repealing DOMA, Don't Ask, Don't Tell. All of that work we're doing is part of equal rights in America and it is something that is so important to this generation. I think that kind of bill would be transformational-Whether we have the votes for that kind of bill today, I don't know. But it's something certainly worth fighting for."
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