Ensure Access to Higher Education in New Brunswick

"We, the undersigned, do not agree with the Post-Secondary Education Review Commission's Report that recommends the eradication of UNBSJ and NBCCSJ and the formation of a Polytechnic.

"In a time of significant development in the region, we call upon the Graham government to make an investment in education that maintains and expands the educational opportunities of all New Brunswickers.

"Access to an affordable full degree-granting University is a right southern New Brunswickers, people across Canada, and from around the world want and deserve.
"We, the undersigned, do not agree with the Post-Secondary Education Review Commission's Report that recommends the eradication of UNBSJ and NBCCSJ and the formation of a Polytechnic.

"In a time of significant development in the region, we call upon the Graham government to make an investment in education that maintains and expands the educational opportunities of all New Brunswickers.

"Access to an affordable full degree-granting University is a right southern New Brunswickers, people across Canada, and from around the world want and deserve.
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