Enforce the Federal Clean Water Act

  • av: EarthRehab
  • mottagare: Federal Government Action from EPA and State Governor's Office

Enforce the Federal Clean Water Act

We, the undersigned, demand the US Army Corps of Engineers and the South Florida Water Management District stop the discharges of pollution that are killing our estuaries: the St. Lucie River, the Indian River Lagoon, and coastal reefs.  To our elected officials: we support the buyback of the 700,000-acre Everglades Agricultural Area and restoring the land to its original use as the %u201CRiver of Grass%u201D.  We demand our government enforce the Federal Clean Water Act, and other similar laws, prohibiting the discharge of any polluted water into the canals and waterways that flow into the St. Lucie River and Indian River lagoon.

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This petition prepared and distributed by EarthRehab


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