End Procter & Gamble Animal Testing

  • av: Crystal Price
  • mottagare: To end the horrific animal testing done at Procter & Gamble.
Please sign this petition to stop Procter & Gamble laboratories from needlessly torturing and testing on animals.

P & G supposedly no longer uses dogs in their discusting testing practices, but they will not prove this or release any information to anyone. They evidently still test on rabbits, ferrets, hamsters, guinea pigs, mice and rats. The helpless animals are burnt, blinded, poisoned, mutilated, and harmed in many other ways, including burning liquid being forced up their noses and being fed fragrances by tubes. They are not drugged before the psychotic testing is performed, which really would not have made it any more excusable. These animals are even harmed and killed in the worst ways imaginable for the sake of testing for the nutritional value of pet food. Please help in any way you can to stop Procter & Gamble from testing on these poor animals. There are many other alternatives.




Visit Procter & Gamble's website for a complete list of their products, or to write them a letter of disapproval.

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