End Nordstrom's use of Fur

           Every year, over 50 million aniamls are killed around the world for their fur.  These foxes, minks, raccoons, dogs, cats, otters, and others live short lives in brutal conditions.  The cages they live in are far to small for them, and constantly exposed to the elements.
           Death would almost be a relief for these animals if it were not for the brutal ways it was carried out.  Beating, crushing skulls, drowning, and electrocution are all common and standard ways of dealing death to these animals.

           Please tell Nordstrom that it's continued use of fur does nothing but encourage this violent and cruel business.  With many humane alternatives to fur, tell Nordstrom that it's support of the fur industry destroys millions of lives and will drive you away as a customer.

         We the undersigned ask that you please cease using fur in you products.  Every year, over 50 millions animals die in the fur trade, and we ask that you help us end this brutal business.
         These foxes, minks, cats, dogs, otters, and other animals live out their short lives in cages far to small for them, and constantly exposed to the elements.   When they are killed, beating, drowning, smashing skulls, and electrocution are all "acceptable" killing methods.  In many instances, an animal is mearly knock unconcious, and wakes to find itself being skinned alive.
         As long as companies sell fur, these atrocities will continue around the world, and a cycle of torment and death will live on.  There are many humane alternatives to using real fur, such as synthetic fibers which have a higher quality and longer life than real fur.
        For the sake of these animals and their welfare, please stop using fur in Nordstrom's products.
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