Eat eggdrops, not shark fins

  • av: Haley Knudson
  • mottagare: All individuals interested in preserving the oceans
Sharks populations are being decimated around the world just for their fins. These fins are used to prepare a soup that is considered a delicacy and served in five star restaurants around the world. I challenge all to "eat eggdrops, not shark fins". Eggdrop soup is very tasty, and its preparation does not disrupt the delicate balance of life in our oceans. Sharks feed on smaller fish that consume plankton. If shard populations continue to decline, small fish populations will consume more plankton. Who cares...right? Wrong, increased consumption of plankton could be devastating. Plankton are the major oxygen producers on our planet. Fewer sharks means more of the smaller fish they ordinarily consume. This means more plankton consumer, fewer plankton. If you like breathing air rich in oxygen (or have to survive!) this may prove disadvantageous to you. Please sign and pledge to "eat eggdrops, not shark fins".
Sharks populations are being decimated around the world just for their fins. These fins are used to prepare a soup that is considered a delicacy and served in five star restaurants around the world. I challenge all to "eat eggdrops, not shark fins". Eggdrop soup is very tasty, and its preparation does not disrupt the delicate balance of life in our oceans. Sharks feed on smaller fish that consume plankton. If shard populations continue to decline, small fish populations will consume more plankton. Who cares...right? Wrong, increased consumption of plankton could be devastating. Plankton are the major oxygen producers on our planet. Fewer sharks means more of the smaller fish they ordinarily consume. This means more plankton consumer, fewer plankton. If you like breathing air rich in oxygen (or have to survive!) this may prove disadvantageous to you. Please sign and pledge to "eat eggdrops, not shark fins".
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