Earning Points for Care2 Causes

  • av: ME
  • mottagare: N/A
My goal is to help every Butterfly Point charity at Care2 at least once. But with a daily limit on what you can earn on points, it will take me a long time to help some of those requiring over 5000 points.

I noticed other people were starting petitions to help them with their Butterfly Point goals and thought I would try the same thing. Every signature I get on this one petition, I earn 2 points. For every activist petition you sign (up to 250 points a day), you get 50 points.

So for signing this we both get to earn points for our charities! If I reach my signature goal, I can help more charities.

Thank you for taking time to sign this and for caring to make a difference! :)
Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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