Each year 60,000 horse get cut up and die a painfully death
My name is Jessica Frey and me and my friends are on a mission to stop the slaughters of horses. Why you may ask well look at what they do to the poor horses that get sent to the slaughter houses. Some people might go o0o well we eat them anyway but that is not true. The meat instead goes to some where over seas. Where it goes to waste. So please help me win the fight stop the slaughters of horses.
The reason for horse slaughters is horse meat goes to zoos and other animal pet foods but not for human consumption in America. Instead of Americans eating the meat it goes over seas to other countries. The biggest consumers of horsemeat are France, Italy, Belgium, and Japan. Horsemeat, considered a delicacy, is used as an alternative to beef. This hurts the US beef industry. Japan regulates the amount of American beef imported into the country, but these regulations are not imposed on American horse meat. Eating horses has never been an accepted part of American culture. Even though horse meat is healthy and Im not saying that other countries have to stop. But the slaughter itself is inhumane. Equipment used in the transport of horses to slaughter is designed for cows.

Horses often end up trampled and injured, even dead, while being transported 24 hours or more with no food, water, or rest. The equipment used to stun the horse before being slaughtered is also made for cows. Horses are often slaughtered while still conscious. And what kind of horses are slaughtered? Well no horse is safe from slaughter. Children's ponies, show horses, family horses, retired show horses, or horses from families who just can't afford them any longer are all at risk of being slaughtered for human consumption. Stolen horses also often end up at slaughter houses. Slaughter is an easy way for a horse thief to make a quick $300-700 on a stolen horse and the evidence is destroyed. 90% of horses slaughtered for human consumption are young, healthy, sound horses who deserve a better life.

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