Dr. Carolyn Porco Deserves a Star Trek Cameo!

You've seen plenty of sci-fi flicks in your lifetime, sure. And sometimes you just want to believe... But some of us really appreciate seeing the results of actual space exploration ending up in our favorite sci-fi adventures. Which is why we're glad that films like Contact and 2009's Star Trek have employed the consulting services of the eminent space scientist Carolyn Porco. However! We feel that adding Dr. Porco to a list of about 10,000 credits and inviting her to the Hollywood premiere is not quite enough. We therefore have created this petition...

WHEREAS: Dr. Porco is as gifted a public speaker as any scientist we've ever heard; and

WHEREAS: There is probably no one living today who's as tirelessly dedicated to space exploration as Dr. Porco; and

WHEREAS: We think she'd look pretty awesome in a Federation uniform

THEREFORE: We the undersigned propose that J.J. Abrams & Co. ensure that Carolyn Porco has a cameo appearance in the next installment of the Star Trek film series. You know you want to sign it, so please do! And, ya know, live long and all the rest.
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