Don't Force Private Landowners to Kill Prairie Dogs!

  • av: Concerned citizens
  • mottagare: The Honorable Eric Doering, Mayor of Frederick; Gary Barbour, Frederick, CO Chief of Police
Starting on March 5th, 2012, Frederick Colorado officials will enforce an ordinance requiring private landowners to remove prairie dogs from their property. Failure to eliminate the animals will result in fines up to $1,000.

Fearful of short deadlines and steep fines, some property owners will resort to dangerous, cruel methods to kill prairie dogs residing on their private land. Toxic chemicals used to eradicate the creatures will threaten environmental and human health in the area.

Cruelty-free options such as habitat modification and natural repellents can effectively control prairie dogs without killing them or threatening public and environmental health. Please sign the petition to convince Frederick, CO officials to reconsider this ordinance.
We, the undersigned, are concerned with your decision to enforce the removal of prairie dogs on public land.

Fearful of short deadlines and steep fines, some property owners will resort to dangerous, cruel methods to kill prairie dogs residing on their private land. Toxic chemicals used to eradicate the creatures will threaten environmental and human health in the area.

Cruelty-free options such as habitat modification and natural repellents can effectively control prairie dogs without killing them or threatening public and environmental health. Please reconsider the city's ordinance in favor of more compassionate, environmentally free options. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.
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