Don't Drop Funding for TN's Family Resource Centers!

BREAKING NEWS (4/3/2012): Governor Haslam has amended the state budget, which now includes funding for Family Resource Centers! We continue to ask for signatures until the budget is passed - just to make sure all legislators understand how important we think FRCs are!

Governor Haslam's latest budget proposal for the State of Tennessee no longer includes funding for Family Resource Centers across the state.

Please sign our petition to encourage Governor Haslam and Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey to reinstate funding in the TN State Budget for Family Resource Centers, and forward this to others you think would also want to sign. We hope to get several signatures before Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2012 - but will continue collecting signatures until the budget is finalized.

Tennessee's neediest children are counting on assistance from these valuable resources!

We the undersigned are petitioning for the reinstatement of funds for Family Resource Centers in the Tennessee State budget for 2012.

Children who are hungry cannot learn. Children who cannot adequately see cannot learn. Children who are sick cannot learn. Children who are distracted due to the lack of basic needs cannot learn. Children who lack family stability or educational resources at home cannot learn.

If student learning is a priority, as your endorsement of Race to the Top initiatives suggests, then supporting at-risk students through the provision of basic needs is a logical "must." Family Resource Centers find at-risk children at the source -  their schools - and coordinate efforts to ensure these children can attend school on a more level playing field. If children are hungry, need shelter or clothing, or need medical assistance, acquiring a formal education is at the bottom of their priority list. They will lack the energy to run a race, let alone be able to race to the top.

We ask that you reinstate funding for Family Resource Centers so that ALL children are able to focus on their education. Let's be able to truly state that Tennessee cares about all of its children - and their success.

Thank you for your time,

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