
RSPCA SA have asked me to share the following report regarding this case:

"We are aware that there has been some public debate regarding the death of a kitten reported to the RSPCA SA approximately two weeks ago. RSPCA SA's Chief Inspector has spoken directly to those who instigated some commentary on Facebook however we wanted to make sure all those who were concerned about this case heard the facts of the matter directly from us.

A senior RSPCA inspector was assigned to this case after receiving a report from the public and a thorough investigation was undertaken. This investigation involved, but was not limited to, the retrieval of the kitten's body, a post mortem examination of the body, and interviews with key parties.

Over the course of the investigation, it was identified that there were no eyewitnesses to the alleged incident. When the complainant found the kitten in question, it was injured on a road near the complainant's property.

Although it was alleged that %u201Cthe man%u2026crushed the kitten under his foot%u201D the complainant provided no evidence to support this assumption, even after repeated requests from RSPCA SA. A post mortem examination also showed that the injuries sustained by the kitten were inconsistent with this claim.

Interviews with key parties identified an ongoing personal dispute between the complainant and the alleged offender.

RSPCA SA works tirelessly to protect animals and improve their welfare and we appreciate the concern of all who have signed the petition and joined the Facebook page, however these well intentioned actions can often be misinformed and actually prejudice the case making it more difficult to take legal action.

We take reports of animal cruelty very seriously and encourage anyone who witnessed the alleged incident or has evidence to support the claim to contact the RSPCA SA."
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