Harsh punishments for the shooting death of dogs in SAVENI-Botosani-Romania

  • av: ARPDPA -International, ANIMCORD
  • mottagare: County of Botosani, Saveni, Romanian Parliament, European Parliament, ANSVSA, WSPA,PETA,International Organizations for animal Protection, The entire World

Dear officials, 


I can not be silent in front of the horrifying news about massacres of animals in Romania, especially strays, happening every single day.

http://stiri.botosani.ro/stire/24208/SAVENI%3A Vanatoare de caini pe strazile orasului .html 

Again, massacre ORDERED by a deputy-mayor of SCAINI...( Botosani county ) It is beyond a normal human being understanding HOW CAN an elected official order the violation of a Romanian LAW.

Mr. Costel Hulub ...has ordered the KILLING of animals....and this happened in full day light in the middle of SAVENI in front of terrified people....

Not only Mr. Hulub violated the law him self, but HE ORDERED the POLICE to do the same...

What kind of a country could ever tolerate such action ?

Dear officials, are there law which are implemented and applied in your country, member of the EU, in the 21st century.

I would like to remind you the EXISTING LAW for the protection of animals, which FORBIDS THE KILLING OF HEALTHY ANIMALS :

(Legea nr 9din 25.01.2008),Normele Metodologice :ORDIN nr. 31 din 31 martie 2008 (ANSVSA),523 din 30 iunie 2008 (MIRA),pentru aprobarea Normelor metodologice de aplicare a Legii nr. 205/2004, (EMITENT: AUTORITATEA NA%u0162IONAL%u0102 SANITAR%u0102 VETERINAR%u0102 %u015EI PENTRU SIGURAN%u0162A ALIMENTELOR ,Nr. 31 din 31 martie 2008 ; MINISTERUL INTERNELOR %u015EI REFORMEI ADMINISTRATIVE,Nr. 523 din 30 iunie 2008 ;

PUBLICAT �N: MONITORUL OFICIAL nr. 511 din 8 iulie 2008])

All the necessary and legal actions should be taken against all those who committed such atrocities in Saveni. They should be prosecuted at the full extend of the LAW ( starting with Mr. Bulub, the hunters, the policemen and everybody else )

This is disgrace for your county and for Romania...

I will also send this letter to the Romanian National Sanitary-Veterinary Authority, and also to the Romanian embassy in my country, because they way you treat animals in your country has become a SHAME for the entire EUROPE.

You have forgotten that Romania has signed and ratified very important international treaties and conventions...YET WILLINGLY YOU continue to embarrass your country.

Please, STOP THIS ILLEGAL ACTIVITY OF KILLING DOGS immediately and take all the necessary measures to FIRE and bring to justice those who are guilty of these crimes. 

Until then I will make sure that all my friends around the world know how you treat animals and avoid visiting Romania.


You have brought shame on your country and the Romanian people and you should be held accountable for the bad reputation Romania got since the massacres of animals started....

Please be advised that I will also contact the media in my town and country


Thank you for your attention 

Dear officials, 


I can not be silent in front of the horrifying news about massacres of animals in Romania, especially strays, happening every single day.

http://stiri.botosani.ro/stire/24208/SAVENI%3A Vanatoare de caini pe strazile orasului .html 

Again, massacre ORDERED by a deputy-mayor of SCAINI...( Botosani county ) It is beyond a normal human being understanding HOW CAN an elected official order the violation of a Romanian LAW.

Mr. Costel Hulub ...has ordered the KILLING of animals....and this happened in full day light in the middle of SAVENI in front of terrified people....

Not only Mr. Hulub violated the law him self, but HE ORDERED the POLICE to do the same...

What kind of a country could ever tolerate such action ?

Dear officials, are there law which are implemented and applied in your country, member of the EU, in the 21st century.

I would like to remind you the EXISTING LAW for the protection of animals, which FORBIDS THE KILLING OF HEALTHY ANIMALS :

(Legea nr 9din 25.01.2008),Normele Metodologice :ORDIN nr. 31 din 31 martie 2008 (ANSVSA),523 din 30 iunie 2008 (MIRA),pentru aprobarea Normelor metodologice de aplicare a Legii nr. 205/2004, (EMITENT: AUTORITATEA NA%u0162IONAL%u0102 SANITAR%u0102 VETERINAR%u0102 %u015EI PENTRU SIGURAN%u0162A ALIMENTELOR ,Nr. 31 din 31 martie 2008 ; MINISTERUL INTERNELOR %u015EI REFORMEI ADMINISTRATIVE,Nr. 523 din 30 iunie 2008 ;

PUBLICAT �N: MONITORUL OFICIAL nr. 511 din 8 iulie 2008])

All the necessary and legal actions should be taken against all those who committed such atrocities in Saveni. They should be prosecuted at the full extend of the LAW ( starting with Mr. Bulub, the hunters, the policemen and everybody else )

This is disgrace for your county and for Romania...

I will also send this letter to the Romanian National Sanitary-Veterinary Authority, and also to the Romanian embassy in my country, because they way you treat animals in your country has become a SHAME for the entire EUROPE.

You have forgotten that Romania has signed and ratified very important international treaties and conventions...YET WILLINGLY YOU continue to embarrass your country.

Please, STOP THIS ILLEGAL ACTIVITY OF KILLING DOGS immediately and take all the necessary measures to FIRE and bring to justice those who are guilty of these crimes. 

Until then I will make sure that all my friends around the world know how you treat animals and avoid visiting Romania.


You have brought shame on your country and the Romanian people and you should be held accountable for the bad reputation Romania got since the massacres of animals started....

Please be advised that I will also contact the media in my town and country


Thank you for your attention 

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