Women: Don't Get Thrown Under The Bus!

  • av: Not Under The Bus
  • mottagare: Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
We come together on the eve of passing historic health care reform to speak out against the potential ban on coverage for specific health care services for women that could impact millions of low income and middle class women. The Stupak and Nelson Amendments are being debated in the Congress right now. Join with us to implore our lawmakers in Washington, DC to keep women's health care safe, fair and covered. Urge them to strike any anti-abortion amendments from the bill. Women are the backbone of this country and cannot be thrown under the bus!

This cannot be allowed to stand. We are on the verge of passing historic legislation that should protect the health of everyone in this country.
But the effort will fail if millions of women, who are more than half of the population, are left without fair and full health coverage. We implore our lawmakers in Washington to keep women's health care safe, fair and covered and urge them to strike any anti-abortion amendments from the final bill.
We come together on the eve of passing historic health care reform to speak out against the potential ban on coverage for specific health care services for women that could impact millions of low income and middle class women. The Stupak and Nelson Amendments are being debated in the Congress right now. Join with us to implore our lawmakers in Washington, DC to keep women's health care safe, fair and covered. Urge them to strike any anti-abortion amendments from the bill. Women are the backbone of this country and cannot be thrown under the bus!

This cannot be allowed to stand. We are on the verge of passing historic legislation that should protect the health of everyone in this country.
But the effort will fail if millions of women, who are more than half of the population, are left without fair and full health coverage. We implore our lawmakers in Washington to keep women's health care safe, fair and covered and urge them to strike any anti-abortion amendments from the final bill.
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