Disband Ghana's Witches' Camps

The Northern Region of Ghana houses six "witches' camps," where women who are accused of witchcraft are detained and subject to inhumane treatment.

Call on the Parliament of Ghana to enact laws to disband the camps.

According to Ghanaian Supreme Court Justice Rose Owusu, over 1,000 women and 700 children are currently being detained in the witches' camps. At a recent human rights conference, one woman, Bikamila Bagberi, testified about the 13 years she was detained at a witches' camp, where she was tortured when she refused to confess to being a witch.

Sign this petition to ask the Parliament of Ghana to pass laws that will disband the camps and to support education to change people's attitudes toward the practice of detaining women for witchcraft.
We the undersigned ask you to enact appropriate legislation to disband witches' camps. According to testimony at a recent human rights conference, over 1,000 women and 700 children are currently being detained in these camps, facing inhumane treatment and torture. We call on you to disband the camps and to support education to prevent further detainment of Ghanaian women for witchcraft.
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