Devry Gives Students the Shaft

Starting in November 2007 the North Brunswick Devry Campus decided to sell out half of the school building to Ross University (which Devry owns).  Since then  the building has been in shambles, and no break was given to students and the consruction continues while we attend class.  It's hard to pay attention in class with hammering, drilling etc. going on.  How are we getting the education that we deserve for the money that we pay?  After all Devry's tuition is far from cheap.  In the process of this construction we have lost a large computer lab that has never been replaced, had to attend electronics labs (which are severely outdated) that were only half there, and also had to go to school and take on the laborious task of finding out where your class is meeting that week.  Plus the fact that for a technical school, it is severely lacking in technology.  With this in mind when Devry decided to go on with this project they should have either took a semester off (which they would lose tuition money on , so that would never happen) or give some kind of tuition discount to students to make up for the unnecessary hardships that they have had to deal with through all of this.  As if college wasn't already hard enough.  I know that 99% of the of the students feel the same way, but nothing has been said or done about it.  My goal is to send this petition to the higher ups at Devry and demand that some sort of compenstion be given to the students who have had to deal with this.  Also like clockwork they are increasing tuition next semester, while Devry's stock continues to increase.  I guess your profits do go up if you don't put the money back into the school.  The biggest kicker of all is that they actually want us to recomend Devry to friends and family!  Sign this petition and show that we are not just going to sit back and take it!
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