Corruption in Department of Childrens Services
- av: Leya Smith
- mottagare: All Senators and all Congressmen, The United States Congress and Senate
We the undersigned demand that a neutral, independant investigation be made into each case where a child has been removed by CPS/DCS. Children are being removed without PROOF of abuse or neglect. Children are removed without a WARRANT. Judges and attorneys are mere puppets of a system which steals our children rather than place them with a biological family member while the parents are helped so the family is strengthened, not destroyed!
CPS (and by whatever other name the child-stealing system is called) claims to help children and their biological families. Instead it provides children for the adoption market so WEALTHY families can buy them. We love our children and do not have children to fill the homes of the rich. The only attorneys willing to take a case involving CPS are those who charge exorbitant fees which the low-income family cannot pay!! We would give our lives for our children, but LOVE does not matter to CPS and their puppets. That is why CPS takes nearly all of the children from lower income families because we are at a distinct disadvantage in fighting those who seek to steal our children.
No one wants to see the truth, but we the undersigned DEMAND the truth be made public! A biological family's income or size of home should not be a determinant whether a child remains with their biological family! LOVE IS WHAT COUNTS! The poorest family can be very happy and well-adjusted. Some of our greatest leaders were from poor families. However, it seems the NOW the amount of money one has determines whether they become a leader in this world. Corruption is alive and well in the United States.
We demand a fair hearing, with witnesses, before a jury of our peers because we believe that the "privacy" issue does not protect the child...IT PROTECTS THE SYSTEM!
We feel that Child Protective Services, Juvenile Dependency Courts and the Children's Services System needs a complete investigation made by someone other than their own Agencies--that the current laws be scrutinized and changes be made to protect the child(ren). The FAMILY UNIT NEEDS TO BE STRENGTHENED instead of DESTROYED.
We feel that families are judged to be guilty before proven guilty by social workers and the courts. This MUST BE CHANGED! Guilt must be PROVEN BEYOND A DOUBT! We agree that there are cases where there is abuse or neglect and children must be protected by removal, but most removals are because of false accusations. Families are denied reunification with their children for no other reason than "It is in the child's best interest to be adopted by YOUNG, WEALTHY FAMILIES..." Social workers do not have to prove the accusations and are deemed "not to lie" by the courts...which is WRONG.
We also feel that there should be no bonuses (monetary or otherwise) given to the social worker (or office) who removes a child from their family or who places a child into adoption. Children should not be bought or sold. We feel that a parent or other family member be given EVERY CHANCE to change their lifestyle with SUPPORT from the system. They should not be sentenced to a life without their child(ren). RESTORE THE RIGHTS OF THE AMERICAN FAMILY.
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