Congressional inquiry concerning the corruption in family court & children services

  • av: Sheldon Johnson
  • mottagare: J. Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the house, Representative, U.S Congress

There are criminal elements operating within our Government
Why are Children Services administrations allowed to operate with total impunity, with little fear of scrutiny within a Democratic Government? Why are Family Court Justices permitted to hide behind the “confidential law” that’s meant to protect the Children’s best interest? Both administrations are rife with corruption and often abuse its authority at the expense of innocent Men,Women and their Children.

Family Court is operated like a plantation; it’s a profit-driven industry, a subtle continuation of institutionalized slavery which violates the 13th amendment against slavery and involuntary servitude.

Family Court has been use to “legalize” their racketeering scheme to rubber stamp Children Services State sponsored child abuse/neglect cases to terrorize & subdue underprivileged parents and their children, mostly Afro-American and Latino. This is child Abuse of the worst kind!

My Family life has been obliterated over the last 3 decades by these callous administrations. This problem may very well be on a National level because there are so many more horror stories out there.

We the people, respectfully petition  for an Congressional inquiry concerning this matter with the uppermost urgency!

You can better understand my concerns thru this letter that I'm sharing with you address to the Mayor and Governor of the City/State of New York. Please click on the link below.


                                 Members of congress

My family has experience countless transgressions for over the last 3 decades by rogue elements that is operating within our Government. The problems that my family has suffered are parallel to MKULTRA victims who were experimented on unwittingly. MKULTRA was the code name for a secret CIA program (1950’s to 1970’s); where they had subjected thousands of unknowing US citizens to behavioral control experiments by use of toxic medications amongst other things; and it appears that a similar program is still ongoing.

Several agencies in the City of New York have work together to experiment on my family by unnecessary subjecting them to injurious pharmaceuticals that altered their personalities. This problem has now escalated because they have targeted my 14 year old niece who has never been in trouble and subjected her to the same abuse that her father and uncles endured. We received no help from the local authorities when we had reported these crimes.

There is a rogue element in New York City Government who is empowering various physicians and City agencies to carry out their unethical experiments on my family as well as many others. This problem may very well be national; the public corruption is enormous and the civil & human rights violations are numerous, and the saddest part of it all; they are targeting young innocent children for their behavioral modification experimentations amongst other things.

 With the total impunity in which they are allowed to operate, some of the most horrendous crimes against humanity has been committed against my family and many others. The 13th and 14th Amendment of our constitution had been desecrated by these public officials and physicians; the Nuremberg code has been violated; they showed no regards for the Declaration of Helsinki and totally ignored the Belmont Report on ethical principles.

The crimes that I am reporting is unethical and comparable to kidnap, fraud, Involuntary Servitude, human and civil rights violations, Endangering the welfare of a minor, public corruption, Terrorism and Vandalism amongst other things. No one is above the law, and please help bring Geneva home!

I respectfully petition for a congressional inquiry concerning this matter. I think it is a disgrace to our arm forces in Iraq, some whom paid the ultimate price with their life to rid another nation of similar atrocities; we are a better Nation than that.

                            Respectfully, Sheldon O Johnson (570) 424-9432

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