Close the Tiger Farms in China

The farming of tigers in "battery hen" like conditions is cruel and barbaric. Even worse, is that this "farming" is acting as a smokescreen for the continued shooting, snaring and poisoning of the last 3,200 wild tigers on earth.

Without your help the tiger could be extinct within just a few years. For the wild tiger to survive, we need China to implement a total ban on all trade in any tiger parts from any source.

If you haven’t already signed – please sign at and pass it on.

The Premier of China, Wen Jiabao



The farming of tigers in ‘battery hen’ like conditions is cruel and barbaric. Even worse, is that this "farming" is acting as a smokescreen for the continued shooting, snaring and poisoning of the last 3,200 wild tigers on earth.

Without your help the tiger could be extinct within just a few years.For the wild tiger to survive, we need China to implement a total ban on all trade in any tiger parts from any source.

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