Close Down Huntingdon Life Sciences

  • av: Karissa Mills
  • mottagare: Stop the abusive and cruel testing and treatment of the animals by HLS.

HLS is the largest animal testing lab in Europe. 500 animals are tortured to death every single day inside Huntingdon Life Sciences. They have been exposed hundreds of times, but they still continue to abuse and kill animals unnecissarily. Animals have been discovered in rusted cages filled with diarrhoea, vomit, and blood. Animals of all kinds are forced to live in cramped, unihabitable conditions. Employees of HLS have been filmed punching Beagles in the face, falsifying data, and numerous other heartless things. Animals were so afraid, they would not even leave their cages, as discovered by an undercover investigator. HLS has employed convicted sex offenders, drug dealing has taken place on sie, and workers have carried out tests whilst drunk. This MUST be stopped. No animal diserves this kind of treatment and these cruel people must never be allowed to harm another animal again.

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