Clorox Animal Testing

  • av: Samantha C.
  • mottagare: Donald Knauss (Chairman and CEO of Clorox)
Did you know that...
Clorox uses animal testing, even when it is not necessary.
Animal testing is what companies, like Clorox, do to animals in order to try out a product before it is to be put in the market. The companies keep animals hostage and give them little to no respect. The animals go under physical and mental suffering and experience extreme loneliness, neglect, and pain.

How companies test their products on animals:
- fed to the animals
- dripped into eyes
- smeared into cuts
     We the undersigned are concerned about the animal testing. I hope you know the impacts of animal testing, it is also a form of abuse. You may not be aware of it, but the law does not require you to perform animal testing.

     Animal testing is a very large concern to us (the petition signers). So it would be much appriciated if you found another way to test your products. Just think of all the animals as not only animals, but creatures that God created to be treated equally.

     Thank you very much for taking the time to read this, and we hope you change you mind about animal testing.
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