Clip Their Wings!~

The Christmas day bombing attempt was one too many, the last straw. Security measures don't work; we got lucky this time. The time has come to exclude Muslims from commercial flights.

Whereas a Muslim attempted to destroy a commercial flight from Nigeria to Detroit as it made its landing approach on December 25, 2009,

and whereas the bombing, if successful, would have killed many people on the ground and done great property damage,

and whereas it is the intention and desire of Islam to do maximal damage and injury to "...raise the anger of disbelievers nor inflict any injury upon an enemy... "[Noble Qur'an, Hilali & Khan, At-Taubah 9:120]

and whereas it is impossible to effectively and reliably prevent them from boarding with explosives and other dangerous materials

the undersigned petitioners demand the enactment & enforcement of legislation prohibiting any and all Muslims from boarding any and all commercial flights destined to land on or fly over the territory of the United States of America.


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