City of Los Angeles Animal Services Steals Service Dog!

There are so many things wrong with this tragic story that it may be difficult to believe. However, I've verified everthing personally. It's all horribly true. Help Mary. please. The City has shunned her and stolen her friend, companion and trusted Emotional Support Animal.

Mary O'Connor is a 32 year-old woman who loves animals. She loves her animals the best. "Hambone" is a 3 lbs. "tea-cup" Yorkshire Terrier, which Mary purchased  from a reputable breeder because she needed a very small dog to take with her everywhere. "Hambone" is a registered Emotional Support Animal given the same priviledges under the Law as any other Service Animal. Ham is not spayed-She is exempt as a working animal. She was only 9 months and is now 1 year old. She is microchipped. Mary is disabled with 3 conditions and is lost without Ham. She can't sleep and worries about Ham constantly.  How did Ham end up in the pound?

Mary O'Connor was evicted from her apartment for having animals. In Court, the Judge wanted settlement. Mary's defense was that her animals were registered support animals. True.  Mary agreed to  leave the apartment and the landlord paid her a settlement to avoid a discrimination lawsuit. It was a small settlement. With part of that money, she purchased Hambone.

Then it happened again. She was evicted again for having animals. This time she was physically removed from her home and abused by an L.A. County Sheriff Deputy on December 18, 2008. Los Angeles animal services seized her animals, including Ham. They told her to pick them up when she had  a place to live.  NO CHARGES WERE FILED. On January 9, 2009 Mary was raped in the City of Los Angeles. She had no dogs with her at the time. LAPD refused to press charges although Mary picked the RAPIST, "Noah" out of a line up.

Mary attempted to redeem the animals on January 12, 2009 and was told the following by Lt. Transo, an Animal Control Officer:

"Sorry to inform you but Hambone was stolen." No, they did not tell her prior to the day she came to pick him up.
"We think two customers stole her because they were left alone with her for 15 minutes." WHAT?!
"Sorry to inform you but 2 of your birds are dead."
They offered her another dog and other birds. WHAT?!

LAPD is investigating but Detective Jesse Linn is unable to devote any significant time to finding Ham. He does, however firmly believe that an employee from the North Central Animal Shelter STOLE THIS DOG. THIS TRAIL IS TWO MONTHS OLD AND GETTING COLDER BY THE HOUR.

Mary has petitioned and BEGGED the Department, City Council and LAPD to please find her dog-- especially since they know a City Employee stole her!

 Coincidentally, OR NOT, 5 teacup Yorkies were sold for as much as $5000 each by Ed Boks in his last grandstanding stunt for 2008. When? Two days after Hambone was impounded.

Please sign. Please show your disgust for the behavior and inaction by these officials. Please email me to be on the list to distribute flyers to all vets, stores and other places where Ham may be spotted. stu.911 AT
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