choose sustainable seafood

  • av: ctim
  • mottagare: consumers

Choosing sustainable seafood is a simple and effective way you can help promote healthy oceans (as well as healthy humans). Whether you are dining in a restaurant, shopping in a grocery store or buying directly from a fisher, asking for sustainable seafood will support healthier oceans for generations to come.

By voting with your wallet, you can send a strong signal to government and industry that you not only support sustainable seafood, but that don't support unsustainable fishing practices. It's true that fish stocks and ocean environments around the globe are facing significant problems. But there is a lot you can do to help!

Conserve while you consume

If you're a seafood consumer you can support environmentally friendly fisheries and aquaculture practices by making informed purchases when buying seafood. Whether you're holding a restaurant menu or wheeling your shopping cart through the supermarket, you can make ocean friendly choices that help make a difference. Raising the consumer demand for sustainable seafood and is one of the easiest ways you can help protect the oceans.    picture : Jeffery Young

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