Change sex offender laws

  • av: Sean McAllister
  • mottagare: Our children need a stronger voice to protect them
This petition was started April 07 2009.
My blog is here
Too many children have been abducted from their family's. Too many children have died. Too many children have been raped and murdered. Too many of these crimes are committed by violent sex offenders and we will not stand for this anymore.  The laws need to be changed to better protect our children. Also, we demand the right to GPS implant technology for the safety of our children. When this petition has reached its goal of 5,000 people, I will be forwarding it to every official and Government representative around the world I can find. Please take a moment to help protect all of our children. This is not someone else's problem. It is ours. All of us. Act now before it happens to your child.

note: This petition will be sent to leaders all over the world, hopefully used as a catalyst to change the laws. Keep this in mind please. Comments with foul language and/or threats will be deleted. Don't let your anger take away your voice.
You can gather signatures from people in your community, and then forward them to me. I will include them in the package being sent out once our goal is reached.
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