Don't let Kevin Baker get away with it

  • av: Rose Macrae
  • mottagare: Sheriff Veal, Forfar Sheriff Court
Kevin Baker, 18, from Forfar has just avoided a jail sentence for putting a six week old kitten in a microwave and activating the device. The kitten suffered severe burns on its hind legs and had to be put down. Kevin Baker is a monster and is a threat not only to other animals but to humans too. Studies show that those who commit acts of abuse on animals are most likely to go on and commit them on humans, yet he only recieved 120 hours community service. Help protect animals and humans alike by locking up this savage. For more information go to
We the undersigned believe that Kevin Baker is a threat to life about him. Please do the right thing and incarcerate him before he commits another offense like his previous endangering another life. Although he didn't directly kill the kitten his actions lead to its euthanasia. Any action like this against a human would have given him an automatic prison sentence and animals lives are just as valuable as yours and mine. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
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