CAM (Complimentary Alternative Medicine)

This petition supports a movement for medicare to provide coverage for acupuncture and CAM (Complimentary Alternative Medicine).  This is currently under consideration in the White House and the Obama Administration has said clearly that it will support CAM as long as the science and statistics support its outcomes being favorable.  There are hundreds of studies being conducted all over the United States at this time and the results are coming back supporting the benefits of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.  This country has been involved in illness care for too long.  It's time that we have a paradigm shift into wellness and health.  Preventative medicine,  proper nutrition and lifestyle counseling can greatly reduce the healthcare burden that we are placing on our children.  In CAM, the patient can be part of their health plan and by doing so reduce the exorbant cost of Western medical care,  the dangers of pharmaceutical side effects and the ever growing risk of drug dependency.  Sickness is an option - however wellness is a choice. Please make the right one. ~
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