Call for vigilance on the Antipolo Mauling Incident.

Remember the Sumilao Farmers?

Remember the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program?

Please, THINKING CITIZENS OF THE REPUBLIC, don't make this another white wash to be forgotten as the days go by. Remain sober and vigilant. They are your servants and never our masters.

The story of the victim:

The rebuttal of the accused:

What really really pisses me off is not really what happened to the De La Paz alone (which is horrible)  but more with the mayor's "Hindi nila ako kilala" bravado.

Now, even if, the De La Pazes did start the brawl (which is quite an amusing brand of tale), even if for some reason it is justified to beat a 56 years old man and a 14 years old boy by five grown men and even if for some fluke in the natural order of things, politicians (especially those belonging to political dynasties of old) are the humble and the truthful parts of our societies.

Whatever the case is, I still have to publicly decry this. Even if those alternative universe are possible or for some stretch of logic probable.

I still have to demand Justice, Justice free from any political manipulation. Justice as the facts, and human reason free from sugar-coating and bullying, will lead us.

Whatever the story is, whatever versions there are, there is no justification for beating up people.. and a child! There is no excuse for such brutality.

No one has the right, not even a public official to take matters into his own hands. In fact, a public official should be the first to maintain peace and order.

Public office is a public trust. And the public officials involved here should make themselves available for investigation.

-Pia Cayetano to Noemi Dado

And with this petition, maybe, just maybe, the Arroyo administration will know that the Middle Class is not really that silent, especially in the blogosphere.

And maybe, just maybe, if they see the intensity of our disgust, politicians will rethink how they are running our Republic.



We the undersigned, demand an objective investigation, free from external manipulation from any parties, of the incident in the Golf and Country Club in Antipolo.

We also expect proper disciplinary measures, even to the extent of expulsion from any respective offices, if the individuals involved are proven, beyond reasonable doubt, guilty.
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