Section 681(New) Title 14, California Code of Regulations 

 Re: Hybrid Animals and Plants 


And so it begins… The attachments are a proposal to force through new legislation making wolfdogs (hybrids) illegal in the State of California . They person(s) initiating this new travesty are hoping to push this through without due process, and have it take effect this coming Nov. 1st.




In light of this State’s rather precarious financial condition, one might suppose this particular legal farce might not be the best use of the taxpayer’s money. If this takes effect, there will be nothing to prevent our already astoundingly arrogant law enforcement personnel from relieving you of your dearest companions, under force of arms. 


Please pay special attention to the part of this called Section 681, Title 14 CCR (last attachment). It is apparent to me that formal education in the meanings of words is not a requirement for a government position. “Hybrid” as it relates to canids, specifically Canus Lupus, is incorrect. Its use relating to other canids is only slightly less correct (i.e. Coy-dogs derived from Canis Latrans/Canus Lupus familiaris). This will also mean that law enforcement ‘officials’ will be able to seize ANY WOLFY-LOOKING canid…including Alaskan Malamutes, Samoyeds, German Shepherds, Huskies, Akitas, Elkhounds, etc. No special training of these persons will be required…if it looks wolfy, then it is wolfy. These people will basically have the Mandate of Heaven to act and do as they will. And they will…with force of arms. It has already happened.

The appears to be some sort of scheduled hearing on Oct. 1st in Woodland, CA, which I believe is slightly north of Sacramento, in Yolo Co. (of course, if you make it remote enough, no one will show up), and the ‘due process’ requirement has been satisfied.Action needs to be taken, it needs to be now, before this gains momentum. Attend the October 1,2009 Fish and Game Commission meeting at :Yolo Fliers Club, Ballroom 17980 County Road 94B, Woodland California 95695. You can also with your written comments or statements.

Please help stop this ban by signing this petition which will be presented at the meeting in October and the November 5,2009 meeting.

Please see attachments.



Thank You For Your Support.helpinghowl~ Katherine Howes





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