• av: Paul Cunliffe - Owner of Steven
  • mottagare: The Prime Minister; Deputy Prime Minister; Leader of the Labour Party; Secretary of State for the Home Department; Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs;  Parliamentary Under-Secretary; Proposer of the Dog Control Bill; &Spons
Steven, a 19 month old Staffie from Merseyside in England, was seized by police purely because of his looks alone as they believed he fell under the 'Pit-Bull Type' of the UK Dangerous Dogs Act, which is the Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) of the UK, where owning a Pit-Bull or Pit-Bull 'type' dog is illegal.

Steven who loves meeting people especially children was being taken for a walk to the local shops by his responsible owner on the 10th of October 2011, but sadly, Steven was not to come back with his owner that day. The police saw them walking, and they stopped and approached Steven's owner and stated that they had to seize his beloved family pet "because he's a Pit-Bull". Steven went out a very happy dog for his daily walk, but instead of coming back, was taken by the police and is now being kept in undisclosed kennels with no contact from his loving and distraught owner. 

There has never been any complaints regarding Steven, and neither has he ever done anything wrong. Steven's owner is wholly responsible, and last summer had his much-loved dog micro-chipped at a dog show which was in fact run by the local council who did not bring into question Steven being anything other than a Staffie, there was no mention of being a possible 'Pit-Bull type' dog at all. 

This has obviously left Steven's family suffering much distress to say the least, having their beloved family member taken in this manner, not knowing how he is, and not receiving anything official as to what is happening. Having Steven seized has left them full of anguish and unanswered questions, and they cannot believe how a routine dog walking shopping trip with Steven in October, could turn out to turn their world upside down and become the nightmare it currently is.

Please help spread awareness of Steven the Staffie and help reunite him with his loving family. 

Please Save Steven from BSL 
We the undersigned would like you to intervene in the case of the above mentioned dog Steven.  Taken for a walk by his owner and was seized under the BSL section of the DDA.  Steven has been classed as type which he is not as he is a pure Staffordshire Bull Terrier.  Please also consider cancelling this BSL law as it is causing distress to innocent owners and the law just does not work.  DEED NOT BREED.  The tape measure just isn't working.
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