Bring Residential Curbside Recycling to Davis County, Utah

  • av: Kristen Atkinson
  • mottagare: Nathan Rich, CEO, Executive Director, Wasatch Integrated Waste Management District

Please help us to divert the amount of waste ending up in landfills by supporting our efforts to bring residential curbside recycling to Davis County, Utah.

UPDATE 8/17/2007: Bountiful held a city council meeting last week regarding curbside recycling and more than 100 concerned residents made an appearance!

"A special thanks to Rachel Gehmlich, who gave a great talk and told the council that they should behave responsibly so that when they were dead and she was an adult, our planet would still be a nice place to be, and to Jennifer Decker from the Woods Cross city council who gave a great presentation regarding the steps their council went through for the recycling program that they are about to put in place. Hearing the room break out in applause after Rachel finished her talk was just awesome!

In the end, the council agreed to formally consider the issue, including to solicit some bids from nearby providers, and to send out some sort of a survey to gauge public interest in with the utility newsletter in the next few months."

To receive your own updates via email, please send a message to bountifulrecycles [at]
The benefits of recycling are known and the time is now to start changing our ways.  It's up to us to take care of the earth's precious resources for future generations.  Recycling can, not only, reduce landfill waste but it can also reduce pollutants that go into air and water streams during production of new products (such as bottles, cans, & paper).  Recycling paper also helps protect our nations beautiful forests.

The benefits of recycling don't stop there...recycling adds value to the U.S. economy.  According to a U.S. Recycling Economic Information (REI) study, funded through the U.S. EPA, the recycling industry comprises about 56,000 establishments that employ over 1.1 million people.  These businesses generate an annual payroll of nearly $37 billion, and gross over $236 billion in annual revenues. 
View the full study. 

Although recycling facilities may be available in the area, they are not nearly as effective as a residential curbside recycling program.  Please help us to urge the county's waste management company to implement curbside recycling.
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