Repeal The Brattleboro, Vermont Anti-Nudity Ordinance

On December 4, 2007, The Brattleboro, Vermont SelectBoard voted to institute an anti-nudity ordinance within Brattleboro. This ordinance has effectively made sunbathing and skinnydipping within the limits of the City of Brattleboro illegal.

We oppose this anti-nudity ordinance as it infringes upon the time honored Vermont tradition of skinnydipping.

Please sign our petition and help repeal this unwanted and unnecessary ordinance.

We, the undersigned residents of Brattleboro, residents of Vermont, and visitors and vacationers to the City of Brattleboro, hereby oppose the anti-nudity ordinance that was placed into effect on December 4, 2007.

We believe that the ordinance is overbroad and far reaching. Many Vermonters and visitors to Brattleboro enjoy swimming or sunbathing without the confines of clothing. This ordinance was created without any thought to traditional Vermont skinnydipping and it has caused skinnydipping to become illegal within the limits of the City of Brattleboro.

We respectfully request that the Brattleboro SelectBoard revoke the anti-nudity ordinance and declare it null and void.
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