Boycott FIFA World Cup in Qatar 2022

The State of Qatar has just been selected to host the FIFA World Cup in 2022. Qatar was selected over bids from the United States of America, Australia, Korea and Japan. FIFA inspection committees spent several months visiting and evaluating each bidding nation's infrastructure, stadiums and government support. After intense review the data was complied into a comprehensive report for the executive voting committee. Qatar was the ONLY nation to receive a "high risk" assessment by FIFA in several categories, yet was still award the right to host the largest sporting event in the world.

In recent years, Qatar has embarked on counterproductive policies using al-Jazeera as a tool to incite Islamic extremism and in support of Arab rulers known for abuse of human rights. As an example, in March of 2009, Qatari ruling family rolled the red carpet to Omar al-Bashir of Sudan also known as the "Butcher of Darfur" in violation of the International Criminal Court which has issued a warrant for his arrest. By not arresting al-Bashir, Qatar ignored the ICC and the International Law.

Qatar does not deserve to host the World Cup in 2022 because it snubs the will of the international community and plays hosts to international terrorists and criminals.

This petition with all the signatures will be forwarded to FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter and FIFA Secretary General Jérôme Valcke in the hope that they reconsider the decision to designate Qatar as hosts for the FIFA World Cup 2022.

Please forward this petition and its link to all your families, friends, and co-workers. Let us not reward Qatar for snubbing the international community.

Thank you for your support.

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