Boycott Canadian Seafood

So many baby seals (like this one here) are being shot or clubbed to death as we speak. Sign this to boycott Canadian seafood! We can hit the Canadian Government in their pocketbooks by doing this!
Mister Prime Minister of Canada,

Every year, hundreds of thousands of baby harp seals are mercilessly skinned, many while still alive, during the Annual Canadian Harp Seal Hunt.

We, the undersigned,  think that this barbaric practice is inhumane and cruel to the baby seals,
and we will not buy any seafood from Canada until you stop this terrible slaughter.
Ending the seals hunt may also help you.
Canada will be seen as a humane country ,one that doesn't condone this horrifying murder of innocent baby seals.
It will, to add, save you money because you do not have to spend millions of wasted dollars on ships and sealing equipment, and the money will go for more important things like your country's economy.

Thank you very much for your time and care to read this letter.
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