Bike Lanes on Bloor!

We envision a city where people of all ages, abilities and income-levels can safely bike to work, where parents can feel comfortable allowing their children to bike to school, where everyone can breathe clean air, and where we all have realistic alternatives to automobile transportation.  We believe that streets are for people, and that our public spaces are better used, and our communities healthier and more vibrant, when filled with pedestrians, cyclists, transit vehicles and trees.

A number of recent reports have shown that bicycles can be part of the solution to so many urban problems: obesity, diabetes, heart disease, asthma and bronchitis; climate change and smog; social isolation and stress; traffic congestion and crashes; noise pollution and limited public space.

But, few people are going to ride their bikes if they don't feel safe doing so.

Toronto city documents suggest that approximately 10,000 cyclists are injured in collisions with motor vehicles every year.  Two thirds of these occur on the City's major arterials - core streets like Queen, King and Bloor.  These are also some of the most popular routes for cyclists because they are long, direct and convenient.  In fact, cyclists have been asking for safe bike facilities on Bloor St. for close to two decades!

Research from around the world demonstrates that cities will only be successful in reducing car/bike collisions and in increasing bicycle ridership if they provide safe, convenient and well-designed bike lanes along the routes that cyclists want to use.

So what are we waiting for???

Sign our petition to Toronto City Council and urge them to immediately build safe, well-designed bike lanes on Bloor Street, one of Toronto's most popular - and most dangerous - routes for cyclists.

We, the undersigned, believe that far too many cyclists are injured on Toronto's streets every year.  These are predictable and preventable collisions that occur, year after year, at the same locations and on the same streets.  Not only cyclists, but the health of all citizens, the quality of Toronto's environment, and the well-being of our communities are suffering as a result.  We believe that it is past time to address this situation.

We envision a city where people of all ages, abilities and income-levels can safely bike to work, where parents can feel comfortable allowing their children to bike to school, where everyone can breathe clean air, and where we all have realistic alternatives to automobile transportation.  We believe that streets are for people, and that our public spaces are better used, and our communities healthier and more vibrant, when filled with pedestrians, cyclists, transit vehicles and trees.

To protect the lives of cyclists and to encourage more people to ride bikes for the health our citizens, our communities and our environment, we call on the City of Toronto to immediately build safe, well-designed bike lanes on Bloor Street, one of Toronto's most popular - and most dangerous - routes for cyclists.
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