Ban Pit Bulls from Mothers Beach

Petition for a Dangerous Dog Ordinance to Ban Pit Bull Dogs from Mothers Beach & Increase the Leash Law Fine

We the undersigned petition the County of Los Angeles CA to enact legislation for a Dangerous Dog Ordinance to:

1.  Ban Pit Bull Dogs from Mothers Beach in Marina del Rey CA to Make Our Beach Safe for our Children and Pets, as an on-leash Yorkshire Terrier was killed by an off-leash Pit Bull at Mothers Beach on 02/25/08.

2.  Increase the current LA County $250.00 Leash Law Fine (County Code Title 10, Sec. 10.32.010) to $500.00.

We feel that a Dangerous Dog Ordinance for LA County Marina del Rey is urgently needed to stop the number of off-leash Pit Bull Dogs that are running around the Marina del Rey area threatening dogs and their owners.  The attitude of these irresponsible Pit Bull owners is extremely disturbing, as they are extremely indignant when asked to leash their dogs.

On 02/25/08 a small on-leash Yorkshire Terrier Christy was killed by an off-leash Pit Bull at Mothers Beach in Marina del Rey CA.  This confirms why it is dangerous to have a dog off-leash.

The current Animal Laws & Ordinances for LA County have to be changed when an animal is killed.  Presently nothing is done to the animal and it is free to kill again and the next time it may be a child. 
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