Ban Jumps Racing in Victoria

  • av: C Fitzgerald
  • mottagare: Victorian Minister For Racing - The Honourable Rob Hulls
Another horse was fatally injured at a jumps race this month. It is time to stop this type of race. In Victoria, this year 11 horses have being killed through jumps/hurdling races. It is dangerous not only for the jockey, but for the horse. Horses are at risk of serious injury or death. It is also distressing for the public to watch a horse being put down on the track.
So it is to ask the Minister for Racing to ban jumps racing in Victoria.
Dear Minister
We the petition signers would like to urge you to consider the following before making a decision on Jumps Racing in Victoria. Thank you for your concern and in taking action to review Jumps Racing in Victoria.Please suspend Jumps Racing in Victoria, immediately so as to prevent further deaths and injuries.The 11 deaths this year prove that changes to the hurdles are having little effect and horses are still at high risk of injury and death. The only change that will work is to have jumps racing banned.
SincerelyThe Petition Signers
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