Protest against the meat and dairy industry!

This petition is to make the public aware of the terrible conditions and treatment of animals and their babies in abattoirs and the meat and dairy industry. This petition is about raising awareness and preventing cruelty. The ideal goal is stop animals being used for meat and dairy consumption and going vegan instead. It is time to put an end to killing animals, factory farming, the dairy and the meat industry. It is time for people to stop eating meat. It is time for people to love and care for farm animals and to put an end to the present situation. Animals have a right to live out their lives as we do.

This petition is about doing something positive to prevent the slaughter of animals and encouraging the government to promote animal welfare in our daily lives in terms of how we treat animals, how we interact with animals and our education of animals. As a nation we need to include animals in our pursuit of welfare and justice, not exclude them.
Abattoirs are a national disgrace. The cruelty and pain that an animal has to endure just so that people can eat their meat is unethical and unjust. Eating meat and taking a calf's milk from its mother is unjust. We must raise awareness of this horrific journey animals experience and promote animal welfare, love of animals, respect towards animals and encourage people to look at new ways of living that does not involve the eating and exploitation of animals. Please protest by stop eating meat and dairy. There is a better way of life than this. Making animals happy, will make us happy also.

Once this petition reaches its final goal, it will be sent to government.

Do read the facts. Don't turn a blind eye to this cruelty and terrible suffering.
Here are a few links that will tell you the facts about meat consumerism and abattoirs.

Please sign this petition and promote the respect and love towards the animals of our earth. Please don't sign if you don't believe in change. Please don't sign if you don't believe this can be a reality..

Dear Teresa May,
I would like to submit this petition to you so that you can understand that there are many people who are against the meat and dairy industry and who are offended not only by its existence but also the way it is being handled.In this modern day and age. With so many issues being explored, we feel that not only is meat eating something that is not necessary  but also that the brutal and insensitive slaughter and abuse of animals on a daily basis for food is unacceptable.Please do not ignore the facts. Please show compassion towards the animals of our earth, that includes farm animals, not just wild animals.Understand that animals have a right to their natural lifespan. It is wrong and unethical that we take this right away from them. An alternative solution to this horrific industry needs to be put in place. Why don't you be the person to start it off? 
Please think about the nightmare situation these poor animals endure on a daily basis.
Help us become more ethical and thoughtful as a nation.
Yours Sincerely
Alice Lenkiewicz

Uppdatera #111 år sedan
Thank you so much for your support and signing this petition. I am so glad you understand. Please share this petition so that we can send out the message that cruelty to animals and ignoring their suffering is wrong.

Thank you.

Alice x
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