Ask Revlon to Join the Leaping Bunny Program

  • av:
  • mottagare: David L. Kennedy President and Chief Executive Officer Revlon, Inc.
Ask Revlon to Join the Leaping Bunny Program

In 1990, Revlon became one of the first large cosmetic companies to declare that it would not engage in animal testing for its products. However, Revlon still has not opened its animal testing policy up to scrutiny by signing onto the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC) Leaping Bunny Program.

Companies who join the Leaping Bunny Program pledge to not test on animals during any stage of product development. The company's ingredient suppliers make the same pledge and the result is a product guaranteed to be 100% free of new animal testing.

Some companies choose not to join the Leaping Bunny Program because they continue to conduct or commission animal testing for their ingredients or formulations, or they wish to reserve the right to test on animals in the future. Other companies simply may not realize the importance of joining the program to demonstrate their commitment against the use of animals in product testing.

Until a company signs a CCIC commitment against animal testing, consumers cannot be sure of its policy on the use of animals. Please urge concerned consumers to contact Revlon and ask the company to join the Leaping Bunny Program.

What You Can Do:
Write to the President and CEO of Revlon, David Kennedy and politely encourage him to certify Revlon through the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC) Leaping Bunny Program. Tell him that as a compassionate consumer you refuse to buy products that have been tested on animals during any stage of product development and rely on the Leaping Bunny Program to provide the most accurate information on companies animal testing policies.

David L. Kennedy
President and Chief Executive Officer
Revlon, Inc.
237 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017

To find out more about this program, contact the CCIC at (888)546-CCIC, or visit

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