Ask GQ to get Joey Lawrence on the cover of GQ!

Hi! My name is Diana! I've been a fan of Joey Lawrence during his days on Blossom! And during his teen idol years, you've been seeing him on every covers of BOP, Big Bopper, Teen Beat, Teen Machine, Tiger Beat, but now it's time to see Joey in something different! Since his show Melissa & Joey premiered on June 29th & his third album will be releasing soon sometime this August, we seen Joey grown up from child star to Teen Idol to a Handsome Adult (Ay Que Rico!)!! We should see him cover of different magazines! & when I saw Joey wearing suits on some episodes of Melissa & Joey, this gives me an idea & I was thinking......GQ COVER MODEL BABY!!!!!So what we should do is sign this petition & tweet GQ to ask if they can put the very Handsome Joey Lawrence on the cover of GQ!!! So WHO'S WITH ME!!!!!
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