Ask ConocoPhillips not to drill in polar bear habitat

Ask ConocoPhillips not to drill in polar bear habitat

ConocoPhillips, one of the largest oil companies in the world, really wants to drill in Alaska. In fact, they were the high bidder for drilling rights to tens of thousands of acres of pristine polar bear habitat. Yet they have the moxie to proclaim on their web site :

In all of the company's operation, the highest environmental standards are implemented to ensure that the company's actions today will not only provide energy, but will also secure a stable environment for tomorrow.

We're taking them at their word, and calling on them to voluntarily halt any drilling in polar bear habitat

Look over the message below, and feel free to add your own comments. Using your own words makes the message more meaningful.

Dear ConocoPhillips :

I understand you recently won several drilling bids in the Department of the Interior's Sale 193. I respectfully ask, however, that you pledge not to drill in this area as it is critical polar bear habitat.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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