Armenia Must Pass Domestic Violence Legislation

  • av: Simon Maghakyan
  • mottagare: Mr. Tigran Sargsyan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia




Dear Mr. Prime-Minister:

We, the undersigned, are outraged by the death of Zaruhi Petrosyan, a victim of domestic abuse. Your government must guarantee justice in the death of Zaruhi by investigating all possible guilty parties (not just the husband but also his brother and mother); investigate allegations of local law enforcement's prior knowledge of Zaruhi's continuous abuse; and expedite passing of domestic violence legislation.

In November 2008, Amnesty International issued a report on domestic abuse in Armenia stating that thousands of women in Armenia are regularly subjected to violence within their families. Your government promptly promised to pass domestic violence legislation, but did not deliver that pledge.  

On September 30, 2010, Zaruhi Petrosyan, a 20-year-old mother of one was taken to a hospital for cranial brain hemorrhages, a broken finger, and bruises in different parts of her body. After saying her injuries were from a fall, Zaruhi died in Erebuni hospital. Zaruhi%u2019s sister says the young mother was subjected to continuous domestic abuse since her marriage in 2008. Law enforcement allegedly knew of the abuse. According to media reports, Armenian police have arrested Zaruhi's husband Yanis Sargisov. But, according to Zaruhi's sister, Yanis Sargisov's mother has also continuously  beaten Zaruhi. 

We urge you to guarantee justice in the death of Zaruhi by prosecuting all guilty parties and investigating allegations of local law enforcement's prior knowledge of Zaruhi's continuous abuse. Most importantly, your government must pass domestic violence legislation as soon as possible. 

Thank you for taking the time to read our letter. 


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