Appeal for investigation into operations conducted in Kulber Valley

  • av:
  • mottagare: International Human Rights Organizations and International Community
Pakistan and Iran are carrying out a military offensive against the innocent residents of Thumps, Mand and other surrounding areas. The joint operation started on the night of 16 August 2009. Several people have been arrested so far and confined in their houses.

Reports from Kulber Valley
Balochistan, state that for the past three days Iranian and Pakistani military forces have conducted a joint operation against the Baloch located in the border valley of Kulber, Shahaaf. Baloch media is providing real-time updates regarding this operation in which gunship helicoptors, jet air fighters and heavy guns are deployed. In Kulber Valley there are reports of civilian deaths, as well as the destruction of livestock and crops. Civilians are unable to secure food supplies. notes that there have been attacks on the town of Tump and shutter down strikes in the adjacent areas of Awaman, Turbat and Mand. Photos in reports depict civilian protests.

We request the International Human Right Organizations and International Community to take notice of this joint operation and pressurize Pakistan and Iran to lift the siege on innocent residents of Mand and Thump.
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