Romanian National Sanitary-Veterinary Authority - Romanian Parliament, EU Parliament

It has come to the attention of the entire world, the horrible treatment of animals in Romania, the daily mass killings of strays not only by individuals, who most of the time are not even investigated by the Police, but in the majority of counties and cities of Romania, the representatives of ANSVSA - DSV continue to KILL STRAYS based on an article ( art.7 ) from a law from 2001, article which has become inoperable after the entering into force of the Law nr.205/2004 and the Law 9/2008.
The fact that art.7 from the Law  1552001 has been abrogated is very clearly exposed in an official letter sent by the ANSVSA in 2009, which will be attached to the present petition.
It is OBVIOUS that the euthanasia of strays in the cities pounds, all over Romania, at this POINT IN TIME , is done ILLEGALLY....most of the employees of ANSVSA/DVS , including very many veterinarians DO NOT APPLY THE laws from 2004 and 2008, let alone the fact that the European Convention for Animals Welfare Ratified in 2004 and entered in force in Romania in 2005 is completely overlooked.
We ask the ANSVSA to immediately instruct all its territorial representatives to immediately implement the laws from 2004 and 2008 , to STOP THE KILLING OF STRAYS and to punish those who KILLED THOSE ANIMALS.
It is outrageous to see the horrifying cruelty animals - mostly stray dogs - are subjected to in Romania and most of the time from the part of authorities which are supposed to implement and apply the laws of the land.

Le monde entier connait deja les attrocites comises envers les animaux en Roumanie. non seulement les crimes comis par des individus, qui dans la majorites des cas ne sont meme pas investigues par la Police,  mais les massacres des animaux de la rue, qui ont lieu dans presque tous les abris municipaux, partout dans le pays...commis par des employes de ANSVSA- DVS de chaque compte et de chaque ville. Tous ces crimes sont comis sous un faux parapluie juridique, en invoquant toujours l'art 7 de la lois de 2001...MAIS, comme une lettre officiele de l'ANSVSA le montrera ( annexee a cette petition ) cet article de cette lois de 2001, est devenue INOPERABLE par la LOIS 205/2004 et 9/2008, qui interdit l'euthanasie des animaux en bonne sante...
Nous demandons a l'ANSVSA de bien vouloir annoncer IMMEDIATEMENT tous ses representants regionaux et muncipaux sur les provisions des lois 205/2004 et 9/2008, concernant l'euthanasie, et de deferer en justice toutes les personnes qui ont continue a tuer des animaux en se basant sur un art. de lois qui a ete rendu inoperable depuis longtemps.
Il faut aussi attentioner l'ANSVSA sur la Convention Europeene sur le bien etre des animaux , ratifiee par la Roumanie en 2004 et entree en vigueur en il parrait que beaucoup d'officiels de l'appliquent pas.
Il este revoltant de voir les atrocites comises en Roumanie envers les animaux, surtout les massacres cotidiens des chiens sous les yeux des authorites qui devraient etre les premieres a appliquer les lois du pays.

Dear Officials from ANSVSA, Romanian Parliament and EU Parliament

We the undersigned would like to bring to your knowledge that in ROMANIA, in 99% of cities pounds, stray dogs continue to be massacred, daily, based on an article from a Law which has become inoperable due to the new laws for the protection of animals :
205/2004 and 9/2008. Hundreds of thousands of dogs have been killed in Romania based on the art.7 from a Government Ordinance 155/2001..We are in 2011. Since 2001, two laws for the protection of animals have been voted and entered in force in Romania : 205/2004 and 9/2008...BOTH STIPULATE VERY CLEARLY THAT : art.7 155/2001 has become INOPERABLE...attached to this petition you will have an official letter from the ANSVSA, where it is written black on white, with the stamp of the ANSVSA and the signature of the Director, that art 7 (155/2001) can not be applied anymore, meaning it is forbidden the euthanasia of healthy animals.YET, all over Romania ANSVSA  and locals DVS personnel ( employees , many of them veterinarians ) continue to KILL strays with total impunity.
We ask for ANSVSA to immediately update its internet page ( where the new laws are not posted - 205/2004 and 9/2008 ) to immediately inform all its local representatives ( per county and per city ) about the laws which forbid the euthanasia and also to immediately investigate all the persons who killed animals based on an outdated law, to immediately investigate, control each and every city pound BECAUSE....they are as far from the requirements of the laws and international conventions and treaties entered into force in Romania long time ago, as the Earth from the Sun...These city pounds are DEATH CAMPS for food, no water, no shelter in many cases.. volunteers are not allowed to help the dogs, dogs are killed in those pounds, left to starve, to fight , kill and eat one another, and after a few days they are killed in the most horrifying way ...
It has come to the attention and outrage of the entire world the fact that even authorities such as ANSVSA contribute to cruelty and crimes against animals in Romania.
We, the undersigned will not visit Romania and we reserve the right to inform all our friends and relatives about the horrible treatment of animals in this country.
Romania has become the EU's Hell for animals, and this is not acceptable for a country in the 21st century in a civilized Europe and a civilized world.
Please, ANSVSA just to remind you the wording of the present Law , regarding euthanasia :
1. Conform art.7%uFFFD din Legea 205/2004 privind protectia animalelor, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare : %u201EEste interzis%u0103 eutanasierea c%uFFFDinilor, a pisicilor %u015Fi a altor animale, cu excep%u0163ia animalelor cu boli incurabile, constatate de medicul veterinar%u201D

 Deci, nu se eutanasiaz%u0103 decat animalele cu boli incurabile, nu cele san%u0103toase, %u015Fi numai pe baza unor diagnostice precise (proba bolilor incurabile) %u015Fi incontestabile.


1. Se recomanda pentru a fi eutanasiati cainii care nu au fost revendicati sau care nu au putut fi adoptati.  (acest punct este inoperabil prin aparitia prevederilor art.7%uFFFD din legea 205/2004 (modificata prin Legea 9/2008)

This is exactly what the ANSVSA wrote in an official letter, YET the crimes continue with impunity, and THIS MUST STOP.

Just a few examples of  illegal euthanasia  in Romania...not to mention that tens if not hundreds of thousands of dogs, many, very mane of them already spayed/neutered have been veterinarians and by other employees of ANSVSA...

Killing of strays in Slobozia
Killings in Satu-Mare :
Killings of dogs in another veterinarian :
Killing of dogs in Constanta, fact which has angered the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Stray Animal Rights Society :
Four Paws
Save the Dogs Europe
Attached to this petition you will also receives photos from cities pounds around Romania which will horrify you and also the way in which the dog catchers catch the dogs, and also they kill very many of them during the capture or in their vans...

Thank you very much for your attention





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