Over the years I have seen some horrible things, and the worst i've seen from China. I wonder to myself why do they treat living beings as if they where dead? How can they be so heartless? I feel disgusted that they are part of the human race. One example of there carelessness is they beleive the most painful, and most suffering involved in the animals death the yummer the taste. Another example is a man beating and skinning a dog while it was still alive, animals in fur farms, live animal markets, and slaughter houses are tourchered beyond beleif. and the sad part is this is all leagal in China I am still scared by theese images and videos I have come across, and to think theese people do this every day, and show no regret, makes me think what sick people they have become. Please help theese animals stuck in China, I wont rest until we can transform Chinas disgusting behaviors, if you sign this petiton I will promise you that I will do something about this! I cnt just let them suffer.

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