AMSA-Taiwan: Keep Our Name and Autonomy!!

  • av: AMSA-Taiwan
  • mottagare: Asian Medical Students' Association (AMSA)
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AMSA-Taiwan: Keep Our Name and Autonomy!!

Asian Medical Students' Association, AMSA, is a non-political, non-sectarian, and non-profitable conference-based medical students' organization in Asia.

AMSA-China, currently a candidate member, intends to apply for full membership into AMSA. Under the political will of the Chinese government, AMSA-China urge to impose a change in the name of the founding member AMSA-Taiwan.

AMSA-Taiwan is excited and shares the warmest welcome for AMSA-China. However, the joining of our Chinese friends should not force a change upon the name or status of the founding member AMSA-Taiwan. To change the name of AMSA-Taiwan according to the political will of the Chinese government is against the Constitution and unacceptable.

As stated in the constitution, AMSA-Taiwan is a founding member of AMSA. This is a historical fact that is not possible to change and deserves the respect from all members. Since the founding of AMSA in 1985, the Taiwanese chapter in AMSA is named and registered as AMSA-Taiwan. To change the name of AMSA-Taiwan is certainly against the history of AMSA. We are deeply concerned that the Constitution of AMSA is not taken into serious account by the current AMSA Executive Committee and the members.

We ask for your signature in this petition to support the spirit of AMSA and the autonomy in the use of the name  %u201CAMSA-Taiwan%u201D. We need and appreciate your support on the anti-discrimination in the membership status of AMSA- Taiwan.

Our full text statement could be viewed here: AMSA-Taiwan's Statement
The Constitution of AMSA could be viewed here: AMSA Constitution

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We, The undersigned:

-  Are happy to welcome the Chinese medical students to join AMSA, and to play a more active role in this international medical students%u2019 platform

-  Believe AMSA, as a non-political organization, is not the place to solve the international conflicts between China and Taiwan, and must also not take any stance on such controversial issue

-  Affirm that changing the name or status of AMSA-Taiwan according to the political will of the Chinese government is unreasonable and against the Constitution of AMSA

-  Support the continual presence of the name %u201CAMSA-Taiwan%u201D in all official and non-official documents

-   Request the AMSA International and the members to withdraw suggestions for changing the name or autonomy with unfair consequence for AMSA-Taiwan

-  Support the peaceful co-existence between the names %u201CAMSA-Taiwan%u201D and %u201CAMSA-China%u201D in AMSA

-  Believe that Constitution should serve as the highest principle in all decision making and all decisions made should function on a fair and transparent basis that respect and include the voice of all AMSA members


Thankyou for taking the time to read this letter and we really appreciate your support!

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