Allow IPLEX to be distributed to ALS patients and burn victims. Big pharma protects profits instead

  • av: John Citron
  • mottagare: The officers of Tercica to get them to allow IPLEX to be distributed.
Negotiated settlement between Insmed Corporation and Tercica(and Tercica's associated licensing companies Genentech and Cephalon) has devastating impact on ALS Patients worldwide. Iplex, (an IGF-1 medication with an IGF-3 binding protein component), produced by Insmed, has been taken off the market. This drug, given by injection once daily, is the first to show benefit for ALS, HIV-Aids, Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy and burn victims. Because of a patent infringement, the settlement winner Tercica, is pulling all Iplex off the market and replacing it with their own inferior product, Increlex, which offers little or no benefit for these patients. Even at an astronomical cost to patients, ( $9500 a month) the demand is great, the supply unavailable. In fact, Tercica is recommending that all remaining supplies be destroyed rather than providing it to those in dire need. The bottom line is money over life-the obvious 21st century mantra for the pharmaceutical industry.

There is no evidence yet published to suggest that Tercica's product Increlex will benefit any of these conditions: ALS, HIV-AIDS, severe burn, fractured hip, Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy.

PLEASE stop ignoring requests for Iplex, begin distribution immediately and continue to provide the Iplex product to the ALS and other communities who have already experienced positive affects.

Thank you,
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