Alert! Deadline Ends Soon! Help Keep Minister of God out of Prison!

Reverend David Cook of the Nevada THC Ministry is facing drug charges for using his sacrament. We must, once and for all, put an end to religious discrimination in this country. It doesn't matter if you believe in his religion or not. All that matters is that we stand together to end this persecution for not having a "government approved" religion.

The case goes to court October 29, 2007. *****Update****The case has been held over until November 30th so we have more time!!

A few FACTS...

Cannabis has been used since before recorded history until 1936 when prohibitionist succeeded using the power of "yellow journalism" and false advertising to convince the American people that something called marijuana was evil and dangerous. Had they tried to convince people using the proper names Cannabis (as it was known in the medical community) or hemp (as it was known in the farming and industrial communities) they would never have achieved their nefarious scheme.

Today, we have the opportunity to change the way people think and the way our government treats Cannabis users. The Constitutions of the United Nations, the United States and the State of Nevada are quite clear on our religious rights and freedom, however the courts and law enforcement are still sadly ignorant.

Take the time today to sign this petition. Better yet, call or write the Attorney General's office in Nevada and protest this discriminatory practice.

Whatever you do.....DO SOMETHING.....or the next religion on the chopping block may be yours.

Thank You in advance for your support.
We the undersigned still believe in the power of our Constitution, including the First Amendment which guarantees freedom of religion to all citizens.

All religions are to be protected by this Amendment, including the religion of Reverend David Cook of the Nevada THC Ministry.

By affixing our signatures to this letter, we are asserting that Reverend David must be released from the legal battle he is now waging. There is no governmental compelling interest in denying a peaceful man of God his sacrament. No one has been harmed.

Cannabis has been used for millenia in religions all over the world. Sacramental cannabis is the container of the Holy Spirit and fosters peace, fellowship and brotherly love.

This case must end now. The American citizens are waking up to the facts of the failure of the War on Drugs, and we refuse to stand idly by while one of our own is persecuted in this manner.

Thank you in advance.
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